Hey girls, so sorry I haven’t posted in ages…I hope yall are doing well. I’ve really just been working/trying to balance family, a relationship, and friends, too. I wanted to come on here and share that I’ve recently been into meditation. It definitely helps me relax, clear my mind, and re-stabilize myself after a long, hard week. Nothing really has changed as far as my makeup routine/ favorites, but I have really been enjoying taking walks and getting a little bit of exercise in when I can. Also, the whole LimeCrime scandal has caught my eye lately..what do you gals think? Leave an opinion! 🙂

Sending Love Your Way.. ❤

Rise N’…Eat a McMuffin?

Good Morning ❤ I hope your day goes well today. I am currently eating a biscuit from McDonalds, my dad got it for me Lol. So i am forced to eat it now!! I have work today.. Just to let you girls know, I’ve scheduled a dermatologist appointment for the 1st of April. My acne is an everyday battle so hopefully this doctor can help me out. Have a beautiful day..

Sending Love Your Way.. ❤

Makeup Geek Foiled Eyeshadows: Worth the HYPE?: A Review!

Good morning, sunshines! ❤ You guys doing alright? 🙂 I hope so because today I’m bringing a review. I bought 2 of Makeup Geek’s foiled eyeshadows because I was dying to see if they were worth the hype. The color selection was amazeballs but I stuck with my gut and went for the neutrals. 😉 I picked up ‘In the Spotlight’ and ‘Flamethrower’.
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OK so these shadows come in the tin pan so you can easily pop them into a Z-Palette if you have one, I just use them as they come. The foiled shadows from MUG run for $9.99, unlike their regular eyeshadows that are $5.99. Right off the bat, these shadows are PIGMENTED. You don’t need any mixing medium to get their full color. Which is great. Here are the colors swatched. Flamethrower is the reddy copper color, and In the Spotlight is the pinky rose gold shade.

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I had no fall-out with ‘In the Spotlight’ but it got pretty messy under my eyes with ‘Flamethrower’. I applied them both with a stiff small shader brush. These last FOREVER on your lids, too. I’m obsessed. ❤ These are a tiny bit pricey, but well worth the money. It’s almost like liquid metal on your eyes, and who doesn’t love that?! ❤ I give the Makeup Geek Foiled Eyeshadows a 9/10. Definitely recommend these! 😀 Thanks for reading… 🙂

Sending Love Your Way.. ❤

Relationship Update!

Hey gals, sorry I’ve been away for a while. ❤ (If anyone even noticed. LOL) Well last night me and my boyfriend of 2 years went out on a date. As you girls may remember, I posted a while back about my wanting to tell him that I loved him, but I wasn’t sure how..anyways..He said ‘I love you.’ to me last night! :O I was shocked, excited,  so many emotions were running through my body. I told him I loved him too. I honestly felt like crying (lol im such a wuss.) But yeah..just wanted to update you girls on that. I will be back here with another blog post tomorrow. 🙂 Thanks for reading babes ❤

Sending Love Your Way.. ❤

Coloured Raine Matte Lip Paint: A Review

Hey gals, ❤ Hope you’re all staying warm! Here on the East Coast, we’re covered in snow! Today I’ll be reviewing the Matte Lip Paint from Coloured Raine. 🙂 If you don’t know, Coloured Raine is a cosmetics company that I found out about through Instagram. (Thanks insta ❤ ) Since liquid lipsticks are EVERYTHING right now, I figured I would try out CR’s version of them. I picked up the shade ‘Marshmallow’.
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I would describe this shade as a matte gray w/ pink/lilac undertones. I am definitely not great at explaining these shades to you guys, but on Coloured Raine’s website, they do lip swatches. Because I am very fair-skinned, the lip paint looks darker on me, but on medium-darker skin tones, it would be more of a nude-gray. This matte lip paint is VERY pigmented, and goes on smoothly. The formula is very liquid-y and wet and doesn’t budge one bit once it’s dry! I have eaten with this on and it still stays on my lips. There is a tiny paint smell to it, but nothing overwhelming for me. As far as packaging, it’s a clear tube with a hot pink lid, nothing too wild, but still pretty enough to display. ❤  Now, the PRICE! 🙂 These Coloured Raine Matte Lip Paints run for $16.00 each. (Same price as a MAC lipstick.) Shipping was $4.50 for me which made my total $20.50. Definitely not cheap, but for the quality, I recommend these a lot! ❤ As far as CR’s shade selection,…this is the downside to these liquid lipsticks. The color selection isn’t that wide, in my opinion. They have browns, a pink, a red, a vampy purple, but most of these shades aren’t the most “day-to-day” wearable. I really wish they had more natural colors for everyday wear. 😦 Overall I give the Coloured Raine Matte Lip Paints an 8.5/10. (simply because of the shade variety and slight fragance.) Regardless, the formula, longevity, and packaging are exceptional! 🙂 Let me know if you’ve tried these and what you think about them down below! Thanks for reading, sexy gal!

Sending Love Your Way.. ❤

Why Can’t I Stop?

Good Morning ❤ I’m eating a pack of Starburst as I type this post. I’ve said that once I actually start working and receiving income that I want to join a gym. I wanna buy cute workout clothes, slim down, and be a good size. I just can’t seem to give up SWEETS. 😦 Candy, cake, iced coffee, chocolate, ANYTHING that has sugar in it is literally my weakness! Do you guys have any tips on how to start eating healthy and how to stay away from sweets? I literally CAN NOT stop eating sugar! I know I will never lose weight if it doesn’t stop. Any suggestion, ladies? 😦

Sending Love Your Way.. ❤

Nars, Becca, and MAC Hilighters: A Review

“Hilighted to THE GAWDS!” What’s up wonderful women? ❤ Today I’m doing a review on a VERY popular beauty trend: Hilighting ❤ This trend has been around for a bit now, but I hope it stays foreva! I’ll be sharing with you 3 of the hilighters that I own and what I think about them. Grab a cup of tea, girl, and let’s get into it. I have the MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Soft and Gentle ($32), the BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Opal($38), and the NARS Copacabana Illuminator($30). (pictured AND swatched left to right.) 🙂
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As you ladies can see, the MAC and BECCA hilighters are powder-form, and the NARS is a liquid. Let’s start with the MAC one. This one is my GO-TO hilight. It’s a light champagne color with the tiniest dab of rose gold in it. I am very fair-skinned and it doesn’t look OBVIOUS on my skintone. It’s very pigmented and probably my fave out of all 3. Go get this is you’re a Miranda Cosgrove- skin color since it won’t be too obvious on you! ❤ Next, is BECCA. Although this is the MOST pigmented hilighter I have EVER swatched, this shade it way too goldy-yellowish for my complexion. I was really disappointed because I thought it would look great; my skin is simply too light for it. It looks like a gold streak on my face, although the formula is VERY creamy and blendable..SO for all my medium to tan/olive skin-tone ladies: YOU NEED THIS IN YOUR LIFE! This hilighter will look amazing on you gals, since it’s a very yellow shade! 🙂 Lastly, the NARS hilighter. This liquid hilight was just…without sounding rude, a waste of money. 😦 As you girls see, its a GORGEOUS color swatched. It’s a silver with pink reflects, almost metallic. I bought this when hilighting had barely started getting big so I guess I didn’t know much yet. It’s not as pigmented when you apply it, and when you do apply it, it’s patchy. Also clings to any dry spots and emphasized any flaws. Definitely not my fave. As for girls with oily skin like myself, STAY AWAY FROM THIS! All in all, I definitely recommend the MAC hilighter in Soft and Gentle, and the BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in OPAL. What are some of your favorite hilight shades? Comment down some I should try! 🙂 Thank you SO much for reading beautiful.

Sending Love Your Way.. ❤

Are You Just As Scared As I Am?

Looks like we’ve all made it to another Monday! 😀 I hope the person reading this has a more productive day than I’m having. Today’s topic isn’t a beauty review, it’s something a little more serious. As I get older, (I’m 19), I find myself more and more afraid of the future. Take for example, there’s gonna be a time when my parents won’t be here anymore. I often ask myself I’m taking the time I have with them for granted. It’s kind of a scary place to be in where all you can think about is ‘Damn, I really wish time would slow down.’ I KNOW I might sound really silly to a lot of you since I’m only 19..but I really do fear the future. Will I even make anything of myself? I mean my brother went to college 2 hours away and graduated, so I kind of have big shoes to fill. I don’t think I wanna go to college. It just doesn’t seem like it’s for me. I just don’t want to be working at a job I really couldn’t care less about ALL my life. My DREAM JOB is to be a motivational speaker. I want to help young girls, guide them in the right direction. Let them know that everything that they are going through, I got past it. I just don’t know how to turn this dream into reality.. I’m stuck, girls.

Sending Love Your Way.. ❤